Sunday, May 8, 2011

Case 1:Why hot women are dumb?

I am not a sexist or misogynist. I perfectly respect women and like them. But this occurrence is just too common to be a coincidence. Before I begin a formal analysis, be careful about the language of our case. It is perfectly natural to find dumb, non-hot girls and hot,smart girls (group 2 ;) ). What I'm referring to here is 'induced' dumbness; how good looks can sometimes lead to dumbness.

As I see it, the answer lies in how women are configured.Good looks would lead to the anxiety to preserve these good looks and make full use of them. This would induce a degree of over-indulgence and the bulk of the woman's time might go in the quest of improving her looks further. No one is born dumb. Everyone has potential. What matters is how much potential you realise and this over-indulgent woman, would hardly have time to materialise her potential. There is also a social factor involved. In most cultures, a woman is valued for her looks more than her smarts, and has a higher chance of getting suitors. Such an outlook can and does, lead to disaster.

But how precisely can we measure dumbness? Is it the school grades or the knitting skills? In this case let us take them all. In whatever aspect we take dumbness to be, our hot girl lags behind. For her 9/11 is just a date, and the sun is the biggest thing in the universe. Why is she so?  Because she is not in sync with the real world; she lives in the world where only looks matter; she matters.  

To finish off, hubris on looks is ridiculous because you didn't design yourself. But when you realise your potential, then you deserve credit for it. Be smart. 

Next case: Why bad things happen in bundles?         


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